Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 4

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1. People who would/wouldn't attend my funeral if I died like, tomorrow.

2. How much I just don't know or understand (usually accompanied with frustration)

3. Luna

4. The desire to be more charitable

5. Money (and the lack thereof) (and the need for a job)

6. When I'm eating or looking at food I imagine swimming in it. Jello, of course, would be amazing. I think cooked rice would be really cool also. And shredded lettuce would be a totally weird sensation.

7. My family and friends and how they are doing/if they know how much I love them/if I'm doing a good job at showing how much they mean to me.

I'm off to school. Yippee.

Chanda C.

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