Sunday, April 7, 2013

Change is in the air (and so is pollen)

Things have changed in my life.

The most exciting change is that I own a new car!! My dad drove it down to Tucson for me this weekend. It is a 2007 Honda Civic. It's really cute and it smells like coffee on the inside.

I bought it from the original owner and she gave me a great deal. I'm super thankful that she was willing to sell it to me for as little as she did. I hope it lasts years.

The next biggest change (though not exciting) is that Roland and I aren't dating anymore. It was a mutual agreement between us. He needs to go to school and felt that he couldn't do that while dating me. And it will be good for me to be independent for a bit.

It has been a really really really hard transition. He was part of my every day for a year and a half, and now we aren't talking. (We're not mad at each other or anything, but trying to redraw a line from relationship to friendship is really hard, so we're taking a little cleanse from each other.) I miss him and his jokes and the time we would spend together. But I know that in a few months I will be absolutely fantastic. I'm looking forward to that time.

It has been interesting for me to see how I can interact in groups. When I was in groups with Roland I felt like a bridge between him (he can be a little introverted sometimes) and other people. I didn't mind that role at all, but without having to do that I am much more social than I remembered being.

My friends have been incredible. They have kept me busy and distracted and let me cry (a lot) to them. I'm thankful to have the friends that I do.

I think I am sick. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and it isn't getting better. That's a big bummer.

General conference was this weekend! I wasn't able to focus on it like I would have enjoyed to, but what I have heard has been wonderful. I am looking forward to reading the talks and studying them daily.

That is it in my life. My brain is fuzzy. I'm going to take a nap.

Chanda C.