Saturday, January 29, 2011

Weekends... Are for the warriors!

I love weekends.
I love how they really start Friday at 12:00 (when my class gets out).
I love how they seem to last longer because I stay up late.
I love how everyone has plans for the weekend.
I love getting invited into people's plans.

Yesterday was CRAZY!
I had class, it was interesting. I got voted off the island with my psychology group (two of the girls said that four people is too many in the group. The other girl was absent so they told me to make a group with her. But our question was due yesterday. So I made one up really quick. Hope it works out).
Then I went to dollar lunch which was good. Then I went home with Bethany and Ben and Brittany and we prepared potatoes for the YSA activity.
A LOT of potatoes.
Bethany washed them, Brittany cut out the bad parts, Ben stabbed them with a fork, and I wrapped them in tin foil.
Then Bethany, Lyndsay, and I went to Super Target to get groceries.
Bethany's car alarm thingy wouldn't work. So after like 45 minutes of getting the battery changed and it still not working we just drove home with the alarm going off.
It. Was. So. Funny! I was laughing so hard I was crying. People we passed (or were stopped next to) were laughing so hard at us. It was hilarious.
Eventually we got to the church where my car was and these four boys came over and took the plug for the horn out. So the alarm was still going off but we couldn't hear it which was good.
Then I drove home really fast (Brittany had started the potatoes cooking- she is so wonderful) and I drove her to the airport.
Then I drove home really fast (again) and put my groceries away and changed into my costume and took the potatoes out of the oven. That was quite the dilemma, how do you bring like 40 giant HOT baked potatoes to your car?? I put them in my little metal trashbag and this cardboard box I found. It worked.
Then I went to the activity. It was like real-life Clue. Which was pretty cool. Tons of people dressed up! It was awesome.
After the activity I went to Amy's house with Jenkin, Kirstin, and Bert (and of course Amy) and we watched Inception and Bert bought us ice cream and Reese's.
Funny story: Bert and I were wearing matching socks. It was like boy/girl version of the same sock at Target. HAHAHA. They're argyle. :)
Then I went home (I fell asleep watching the movie hahah).
So many potatoes. How do I turn this? No idea..

Awwwhh. I love this picture! Lyndsay, me, Bethany, and Victoria!

Victoria, Bethany, Lyndsay, me. (I made my costume!)

Bert and Jenkin

Kirstin and Amy

My hair piece. Fantastic.

Jenkin, Kirstin, Amy :)

It was a good Friday. I'm excited for Saturday :)

Chanda C.

PS. Crazy thing- Bryce and Lyndsay were in the same "council" at Student Council camp when Bryce and I went. How seriously coincidental. What are the chances that out of the less than 20 people in his council that year I would become best friends with one of the girls, four years later, at a university of like 20,000 people without even knowing that they knew each other!? Crazy. Wonderful. <3

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