Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Things that I love:

1. Oliver the ukulele
2. Good morning/ goodnight texts
3. Daisies
4. Superman
5. Harry Potter- and getting to do a research project on the series for English 109H
6. Banana bread without nuts
7. Fudge without nuts
8. Disneyland
9. Mickey Mouse
10. Lucy Bean- especially when she recognizes my voice over the phone
11. Annalee, Jordan, Trevor's excited greeting when I come over
12. Unlimited salsa bars at mexican restaurants
13. Fresh salsa
14. Crunchy leaves
15. Bike rides with friends
16. Wifi hot spots
17. Lyndsay's bug
18. LunaBug
19. Tammy and Steve's laundry room, and their allowing me to use it
20. Google maps
21. Facebook
22. Lame jokes
23. Brand new play dough
24. Soft donuts
25. Pumpkin (anything pumpkin. +/- cream cheese. Fabulous)
26. Holding hands
27. Random hugs
28. Frank's Hot Sauce
29. Spicy food
30. Heaters
31. Institute
32. My friends
33. Family (of course)
34. Overhearing funny parts of conversations that I will never actually understand
35. Sorority girls in my classes (.... see above...)
36. Peanuts
37. The genius that combined peanut butter and chocolate
38. Getting things done
39. Empty to do lists
40. Dear Blank, Please
41. MLIA
42. 30 Rock
43. Netflix
44. Piano
45. Musicians
46. Boys in plain white v-necks
47. Pajama pants
48. Hoodies
49. Soft socks
50. Insurance companies
51. Cars
52. Saved texts
53. Kind strangers
54. Recognizing people on campus
55. Meeting new people
56. Present Face (I've got the intro down, and I know the song.. Just needs more practice plus Taryn on the guitar)
57. Pancakes
58. Real maple syrup
59. Song parodies
60. Song covers/remixes
61. YouTube
62. Watching videos with friends
63. $3 lunch
64. Chinese food
65. Mexican food
66. Cuddling
67. Fluffy pillows
68. Being recognized on campus
69. Not PC jokes
70. Dreams about friends
71. Cheesy pick up lines
72. Compliments
73. People who hold the door open
74. Chivalrous gentlemen
75. Men's choirs
76. Cold nights with warm blankets and good books
77. Missionaries
78. Doing the mundane with friends
79. Miracles
80. Wade's pirate nun impersonation
81. Frolicking
82. Envisioning ridiculous scenarios with Taryn
83. Teasing Aaron
84. Lumnick
85. Talking to people on the bus
86. Strangers smiling at me
87. Friends' sacrifices
88. KFC Scholarship
89. FPSP (the whole experience)
90. Reader's Digest Word Power
91. Rollercoasters
92. Old memories
93. Microcake
94. Christmas music
95. People who give me rides
96. Applebee's at midnight
97. Walking with Bert
98. Reid teaching me ukulele even though he doesn't know it
99. Pink Apartments #25 and all the people in it
100. Holidays, and the food overdose associated with it. And still being able to enjoy the food overdose without fear of too many consequences. :)

This was fun. Happy Thanksgiving! (Almost).

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