Monday, November 15, 2010

Things I love

I decided I need to be positive in my life.
So here are some of the things I absolutely adore.
1. Chatting with Wade. He always makes me feel better. Even if it is just because he knows that sometimes I need to vent and then not hear anything more about my problems. He just always knows what to say. And how to make me laugh. And I know that he loves me. That is a good feeling. I think about calling him more than anyone else.
2. Aaron. He is such a sweetheart. When I was planning on moving this summer he started training Luna to bark at people. He told me it was so she could protect me when he wasn't there. Then the other day, I found a sound on my phone that he had sent it to me awhile back when I was missing Luna. It was her barking and him telling her to say hi to me. He is so considerate. At the very end he said that he was praying for me. I'm lucky to have such amazing brothers.
3. Melanie. She's so funny. I love that she can have absolutely nothing to say but still manages to find a way to keep a conversation going. She's beautiful. And she gets to play a solo in her concert- so excited for her! She's going to do great things. I love talking to her and I am so glad she is there to take care of Luna and play with Lucy (and I'm sure Myrna and my mom appreciate it too.) :)
4. Taryn. She is hilarious. She and I get into these little fights (which I always win.. hahah.) and they crack me up. She has managed to stay up to date with my life super well and I'm glad that I can just start talking to her about things without having to go into detail. She's made a big effort to keep in contact and I really appreciate it.
5. My dad. He's so nice. When I was freaking out about life I called him and he just reassured me and told me to hang on until he could come. He did so much for me. (Including buying me a new toothbrush, tradition continues.). He's so wonderful and I'm lucky to have him in my life. I felt so taken care of when he was here this past weekend, I've missed that feeling a lot.
6. My mom. I can call my mom anytime of the day (or middle of the night, poor woman has had that happen too many times) and she will talk to me. She has so much life experience and is great at giving advice. She's taught me everything I know about cooking and keeping house and I didn't realize how lucky I was to have had that influence. She is such a hard worker and motivates me (if she can work full time and go to school and be a mom and make cakes on the side and hold a calling and be an awesome aunt to LucyBean and Ezra and still be willing to take my dog when I need her to and not ever get enough sleep, then I can handle anything.).
7. Sarah Joee. Oh my goodness. This girl is perfect for me. She's so wonderful and I'm soooo lucky to have become friends with her this year. She completes me. When I get really frustrated she finds the humor in the situation and reminds me of where it is. She has probably seen me at my worst more times than most of my friends from high school and she still likes me! Its amazing. Seriously, Sarah is so great. I'm so blessed to have met her. She makes me laugh, she lets me cry, she always has an open door (and I mean always), she tells the funniest stories, she gives good advice, she's so strong. I just adore her.
8. Gabe, Kendi, Kathleen, Kaitlyn (sp?). Sarah's roommates. Wonderful people. They make me laugh so much. I love them all. They've been so hospitable when I come over. They let me intrude on their roommate nights. They let me make messes of their kitchen. They let me keep stuff in their fridge. They are wonderful.
9. Bethany. She's soooo funny. Rarely have I met someone as genuine as Bethany is. She always tells the truth and I love that about her. She makes me laugh so much. She has been a saving grace this past month. I love the sleepovers we've had and she's so willing to drive me places. I love that she is in my ward. She is such a doll. She let me have my birthday party at her house, actually she and Victoria planned my birthday party which was fantastic of them. I laugh so hard when I hang out with her and I know that anything she says will be what she really thinks.
10. Heidi, Cami. Bethany's roommates. Thank you for letting me invade your house for sleepovers.
11. Victoria. Thank you for planning my birthday party. And making me laugh. And making me feel included. I hope we get to be better friends. You are great.
12. Lyndsay. I love Lyndsay. She is nothing like what I was expecting her to be. She is so funny and intelligent and sweet. She's willing to go out of her way to help other people. She is fun to talk to and hang out with. She cares about other people and it shows. And I love her car, just sayin'. When she and I went to return my rental car I got us super lost and she didn't even make fun of me for it or anything. She is just a beautiful person.
13. Amy. Amy is fabulous. She's hilarious and totally one of a kind. She made me feel so welcome when I didn't know anyone else. She is one of those people that will do anything for you.
14. Becky. Becky brightens my day everytime I see her. She always seems so concerned about me. She is so much fun to hang out with and I'm SOOOO glad she talked to me the first day of school. She was the first person to talk to me at UA and I couldn't be happier with that. I really hope she and I get to take a class together next semester, but even if we don't I hope we hang out. We stayed up until like 3 in the morning one night and we totally just clicked. She's fantastic and I really hope that we get more opportunities to hang out.
15. Reid. Reid is fantastic. We only have one class together unfortunately, but we'll have another next semester! Reid invited me to hang out with him and his friends the first day of school. I am so glad. I was having anxiety attacks the entire week before school because I didn't think I could make friends. But Reid was so nice and funny and he's just fabulous. He came to my birthday party on Thursday even though he didn't know anyone else there (that takes guts.). He's been complaining that I haven't talked about him on my blog yet, but now I have. He is so funny- if he wasn't in my TRAD lecture I probably wouldn't go. But he and I have a lot of fun in that class. So its good.
16. Bryce Addison. Bryce is one of the few people from high school that I've kept in contact with (of course, Bryanda won't die that easily). I absolutely adore this boy. We are the best of friends and even though we are in different states I consider him one of the best friends i could ever ask for. I can call him and talk to him for hours about absolutely nothing and I always hang up in a better mood than before I called.
17. Norbert. He is so funny. Seriously, its a weird funny. But its hilarious. I never know what to expect from him but it never is disappointing. I feel like a sap writing too much about him, suffice it to say: he's sweet and funny and rather attractive and I like him. A lot.
18. Derrick. Derrick is awesome. I've never known a cooler asian guy ;) haha. Derrick is like my UA brother. He is so thoughtful and always wants to help people out. He's super inclusive and funny and a fantastic cook. He and I have had some talks about life as it is and I love hearing his opinions and thoughts.
19. Prestwich family. Ok, I should probably go through and name each of them individually-- but I don't have all night so I'm grouping them together. I was having a really awful day, then I got pictures of the boys at their XC meet with little quotes from all of them and my attitude totally changed. I don't feel like there are many boys that I will truly miss when they are on their missions, but I will miss the Prestwich boys. I can't imagine my life without them. My birthday card from them is up on my fridge because everytime I look at it I smile. My aunt and uncle are also the most giving people I've ever met. I want to have a relationship like theirs someday. I admire them so much.
20. KeeganJ. He's a wonderful support and a fantastic friend. He sent me a birthday gift- superman stuff. He knows me so well. Keegan is just so thoughtful and willing to give up anything for the people he cares about.
21. Tyler. Tyler is my helicopter friend. He saved me. More than I can ever express I am grateful to Tyler. He is a true friend and I miss him, a lot.
22. The Mehr family. They let me do laundry at their house. And feed me. And take me to get ice cream. Enough said. ;) they are such great examples of true Christians. They are so loving and accepting and I can talk to them about anything and trust that they will give me the best advice they can. I am so glad they are in Tucson this year, I don't know what I would do without them.
23. Jason. Jason just knows when to text me to make my life better. He is so funny and a great friend. He came and saw Lucia and I at the beginning of the semester and we had so much fun. I love that he is goingto school so close and one of these days I will go see him.
24. Kara Lareemae. She is getting married. It is soooo weird. But I'm so happy for her. She's a great friend and she helped me get through high school. I love her and we have fantastic memories. We went for a long time without talking but when I saw her again it was like no time had passed at all.
25. Nicki and Lauren. They are so sweet. Nicki invites me to do things a lot, I feel bad that I so often don't do them. They are so caring and so strong in following Christ. I love their testimonies about the Bible and hanging out with them is so uplifting. I never have to worry when I am around them. They are so sweet and great friends.

So this ended up being more about people I am thankful for in my life. This list could continue for ages but I figure 25 is enough. I have been so blessed to meet these wonderful people. I am so glad God put them in my life. If everything I have gone through was just to show me that I have good friends then it was all worth it, because I realize that I really do have the best friends I could ever want.

Cheesy, but sincere, Chanda :)

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