Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Mel!

It is my darling Melanie's birthday today! :) She turned 14 (ridiculous). :) That means we have had her for almost 2/3 of her life. Wootwoot.
She is a fabulous girl. Always willing to help out in ANYTHING you need (seriously, this girl has no limits). She always seems to know where everything in the house is. She is learning the violin and has a solo in her next concert. She's lovely. And she is sooo tan. Makes me feel like a snowman. :)

My life:
Tuesday: I can't remember Tuesday. I went to Sarah's. oh! I think I watched Chuck. I can't remember much past that. This is pathetic, it has only be seven days... OH! Becky and I hung out. We had to go on a bus ride for our class. So we rode to my house and made pasta and microcake. Mmmm. Then we rode back and then I went to Sarah's and hung out for a bit. :)
Wednesday: Wednesday was so fun! I rented a car so Sarah and I could go to Wal*Mart and get supplies for our costumes (which we wore to the premiere of Harry Potter.. I'll talk about that later :) :) :) :) be excited.). I'm a member of a car share program, basically I pay $50 a year to be able to rent a car whenever I need to for about $8/hour. They pay for insurance and gas with the car so it is potentially a great deal. The car I rented was a... SMART CAR!!!!! Hahaha, we named him Alstein (Albert+Einstein-bertein=Alstein!). He was ... different. Not what I was expecting. Very rough. But it was fun. I enjoyed it. We made a lot of jokes about it. And took a lot of pictures. Like, a lot of pictures.
Huggin him. He was so tiny.

We got Sonic! Mmm :)

In Alstein. :) We're so cute.

Before this Alstein adventure, I had lunch with a group of friends. On Wednesdays at UA the restaurants on campus offer $3 lunch. I've gone with this group 3 or 4 times in a row to the Cellar (their lunch is a grilled chicken burger, a side, and a drink. Fabulous deal, no?). Its sooo much fun.
Bethany, Chanda, Derrick, and Lyndsay

I also met again with my mentor that I was assigned as part of the AZ Assurance program. She is such a wonderful lady. Great example of a women being strong and independent. She's fantastic.
Back to the order of the story... Sarah and I went to Wal*Mart and Sonic and then I rode Stella home (in the dark, it was a little scary).
On Thursday, I went to class as usual. During one of my classes I took Harry Potter quizzes (I'm a terrible student when I am anxious for things). Then I went to Sarah's and we made vegan pumpkin cookies (delish) and our costumes.
Cookies! They were super good. Pumpkin is just amazing. Add it to anything and it'll make it better.

As we were making our costumes Sarah's roommate's boyfriend, Adam, offered us two tickets to the UA basketball game. Heck yeah. It was super short notice, but we went and OH MY GOODNESS I love basketball. I want to go to a Suns game sooooo badly now. The game was great. The seats were awesome. UA won (of course).  :)
Final score: UA 83 New Mexico State 57.
Sarah and I wore blue/red flannel pj pants and red shirts to the game. We were darling together. :)
After the game I had a party that I was required to attend. Luckily, it was on campus. Sarah and I rushed over (I changed on the way) and checked in with my class. Right after that we went to Ariell's dorm and met up with Bert to pick up Ariell's car (because she is a saint). A pitstop later and we were at the theater! It was INCREDIBLE. Seriously. Oh my goodness. Our seats were great, and Sarah and I were both so hyper that we were basically bouncing off the walls. We met tons of other people (anyone that dresses up to go to a Harry Potter premiere is friend-worthy). There were the basic Hogwart's uniforms and scary witches and such. Then there were the few house elves that rocked it. Sarah and I being two of them. We looked fabulous.

Chanda, Dobby random boy, and Sarah

We were so excited...

People that asked to take pictures in the hallway.

He makes us look like real house elf size. This is: KYRYL NATYAZHKO! #1 on the UA Men's Basketball team. He was there. Oh yes. :)

The three of us . Bert Chanda and Sarah. We're so cute. Even though Bert didn't dress up.


Oh yeah, did I mention? WE WERE ON THE NEWS!!!!! :) This cameraman asked if we would like to be interviewed. So he interviewed us and we were on Tucson Channel 9 ABC news! :) Link: In the NEWS! FOR HARRY POTTER!
The movie was GREAT! The company was even better. And the night was by far one of the most epic nights of my life. Honestly, UA Basketball, meeting a player, HARRY FREAKING POTTER, hanging out with Sarah and Bert, riding in a Mustang, pumpkin cookies... And then a sleepover at Sarah's :) It was perfect.
Friday we slept in SUPER late and then did absolutely nothing. We walked to my house to get my bike and go shopping, but then Abbey came (yay!) and so she drove us. Then Abbey and I just hung out at my house I think. It was great getting to see her.
Yay! Abbey and Chanda!

Saturday, Abbey and I slept in and hung out around my apartment. Then I went on a bike ride with Amy, Ariell, Ariell's friend (Chris maybe?), Derrick, and Kirstin. It was really fun. I saw parts of Tucson that I never knew existed. Hopefully pictures will get put on Facebook soon so I can steal them :) Later on Bert and Steve (I think) joined us and we ate pizza and went to the mall. Then Bert, Amy, Kirstin, Ariell, and I went to Applebees! Delicious.
On Sunday I didn't go to church, because I am a bad person. Actually it was because Abbey and I hung out until 2:00 and I didn't want to walk to church. So instead Reid came over to do homework. Homework didn't actually get done however. Instead we listened to music and talked. It was really fun! His itunes library is hilariously diverse. I also made bread- which turned out great! On Sunday night I went to Sarah's and ate dinner with the missionaries (I made rolls to eat with pot roast for the missionaries, how stereotypical.). It was really fun. Noah (one of Bert's roommates) let me use his tuner and showed me some chords and such on my uke. OH!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT MY UKULELE!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) my fingertips are raw. I love it. It is sooooo wonderful. His name is Oliver. He's wonderful. I'm learning Present Face by Garfunkel and Oates on it now. And Reid taught me some of the Star Wars song. And I tried learning Silent Night but that didn't turn out so well. I'll try again though. When I'm better. After eating with the missionaries I went over to Bert's and hung out with him for awhile. It was quite enjoyable. He's such a busy soul. Then I went to Amy's and picked up Stella and rode home.
On Monday I didn't do anything special. I rode the bus to and from school and just did homework and research all day.
Today I only had one class, English. It was a good class and then I hung out at Institute with Derrick. I wanted to make plans for tonight, but everyone I talked to was busy/lame/out of town. Its been nice playing Oliver though. I've almost perfected the into to Present Face (pathetic.).
I'm getting my haircut (it needs it. badly.). And I get to see LunaBug. And my mom. And Aaron. And Taryn. And Melanie. And my cousins. And my other cousins. And my aunts. And my uncles. And Tyler. And Bryce Addison. And Kara Lareemae. And Angela. And I am so flippin excited. I love Thanksgiving. It means a lot more now that I am in college too. :) :) :) :) :)
Anyway, I'm going to continue practicing Oliver. Hopefully Taryn will learn the guitar part to Present Face and we'll be a tender little duet. :)
Chanda :)

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