Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Football Game!

All week I've been trying to figure out how/if I should go to the football games, if they're worth the money (a ZonaZoo pass is $90- yikes), if I should just go to one game/which one to go to, how to buy a ticket for just one game, etc. The Institute was the answer to my problems! There is a gentleman who runs the Game Day Grill at the tailgate party before the game at every home game. He wanted volunteers to hand out the food and in return they get free tickets to the games!! :) So I'm signed up to do that on Saturday and then go to the game. I'm so excited! I've never been to a college football game (any football game other than BR, and those were mostly just full of us stomping the other team ;) haha). Granted, it won't be as wonderful as going to a BSU game would be, but I'm super excited!! :)
Today I had granola and yogurt, string cheese, a granola bar, salad, and french toast to eat. Not a bad day for sure. I got invited to attend a meeting where there will be free pizza, so I'm heading there now. And I will also be going to the Cliffhangers meeting tonight. I'm really excited about potentially joining that club. I do worry it is going to cost a lot though, but I'll figure it out tonight. :)
My audition was awful. But thats ok. I'm accepting it. I should have read my monologue out loud a couple of times before auditioning. I might help with lights or sound or something like that which will be a new experience :)
My mentor for my Assurance program is really neat! She has done some inspirational speaking before (which is what I want to do) and she majored in sociology (which I am hoping to do). She plays tennis and handball. She is in Big Brother Big Sisters and I think I might try to get involved later on in the school year. I'm really excited to be able to work with her.
UPDATE: I went to the Cliffhanger's meeting and I am really excited about it. Unfortunately I need to buy my own climbing shoes and harness (should be between $100-$150 :P yeck) and then the weekend trips are like $5 to pitch in for gas. I'm debating whether or not I want to get involved. It seems like it would be a lot of fun, but shoes and the harness are going to cost a lot. One of the guys there said to not worry about the price, I can rent shoes for awhile to see if I like it and I can borrow a harness for the first couple of trips. We had to learn how to tie knots.. I'm really bad at it. But I'll get better :) Their first trip is this Saturday-- already schedule conflicts! They go pretty much every weekend though so thats good.
Anyway, I have to go figure out if I have homework!
Chanda C.

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