Friday, September 3, 2010

First Post!

Hey, I've been told that college is the best time of your life. I'm horrible at writing in a journal so I figured I'd document here for the world to see. :)
A bit about me (as if you don't already know.. you should if you're reading this anyway):
I'm going to University of Arizona (somewhat reluctantly, great scholarships but I want to be at Boise State, GO BRONCOS!).
I graduated from Blue Ridge High School in 2010. I love this school.
I'm living off campus in an apartment with LunaBug, my sweet little mutt-mix (I'm guessing yorkie/dachshund) and my roommate Lucia.
I am in University 5th Ward in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
My mom lives about two hours away in Avondale (which is where I am writing this) with my little brother Aaron and my little sister Melanie.
My dad lives in Lakeside with my little sister Taryn.
My older brother, Wade, is going to Boise State and I am extremely envious of him.

I can't think of any other need to know information. So, first post.
College is nothing what I expected it to be. I was terrified to go, live on my own, ride the city bus (parking permits are outrageous, so I have a bus pass), blah blah blah. Then I got here and realized how seriously difficult it is. I figured I would have a lot of homework but I didn't realize that even finding the homework would be an issue. I'm taking five classes (six if you inclue New Testament at the Institute) and I have four different websites I have to use to do homework. Those are just the sites that the teachers put the homework assignments and syllabuses (syllabi?) on. Its ridiculous. The homework itself is mostly reading and reading responses which is fine once I find it. The other thing I've noticed is that there is no one to help. The college gives you a lot of resources, but actually finding those resources and talking to them is a task in and of itself. I've gone through chains of email just trying to figure out a program that I was put in (I never did figure it out) and people just passed me along to someone else, who told me to talk to someone else, etc until I got back to the original person I had emailed. Its ridiculous. I'm hoping to have it all figured out by the end of the semester though.
I really enjoy my classes. I have one that is all about places and how where you grow up affects who you are and how human's interactions with a place define it and it defines them. Its fascinating, but kind of a hard concept to wrap my mind around. One of my homework assignments is to eat authentic Tucson food at an authentic Tucson resaurant and then write about the experience (yay for tacos!).
I am also in a Foundations of Leadership class which is very interesting, the concepts and theories behind leadership. We've done some fun activities in that class and we're about to start on a group project which I can't wait for.
Another interesting class is my Honors Quest course. We're discussing what it means to be human, specifically what makes a human body. Our first class we debated whether or not Darth Vader was human. We decided it depended on which sequence you watched the movies in (seeing him grow up made him human to most people, but if you saw the robot scary man first then that image is what stuck with you).
I'm at my mom's house for this weekend, I managed to get every Friday off and we don't have class on Monday for Labor day. My car broke down (again and again and again.. bitter subject) but hopefully she'll be running today so I will be able to bring her back to Tucson with me. Her name is Jane by the way. She's a 94 Accord. Cute car. I almost had a heart attack when I bought her though. (Too much commitment...).
Right now I'm cuddling with Luna and watching Bones (amazing series.. I highly recommend it). This is the life :)

1 comment:

  1. Geez my face is big on this page. Does anyone know how I can reduce it??
