Saturday, September 4, 2010

Costco Cardholder :)

My Prestwich cousins came over today from Lakeside. Taryn and the boys had a cross country meet so they were down in the valley already. My mom and I got to add ourselves on to their business account at Costco and now I have a card. Woo! My roommate has a Sam's Club card, so we have all of the basic necessities more than covered. (I can't imagine a time where the two of us will need gallons of mayonaisse, buckets of condensed soup, or 2,000,000 feet of paper towels.. But we have access to it anyway.)
The car doctor never called us back yesterday, so I'm a little concerned I won't get Jane back in time for me to go to class. But my mom has generously offered to let me drive her car and she'll pick up mine on Tuesday. I'm so excited to have a car I can drive! :)
Thank goodness for long weekends. I did nothing productive yesterday (unless you count watching 4 Bones episodes on Netflix as productive :) hehe).
I'm thinking about doing a little experiment and documenting it on this blog.I want to see how cheap (cheaply?) I can live each month. Rent is $420 and utilities will run about $25 a month. But other than those expenses I want to see how little I can spend. I think I will start at $100 a month and then work my way down from that. My goal is to get to like $50 a month for groceries. This will be me making food for me and my roommate (but we'll split it 50/50) and LunaBug (but she just eats rice, frozen veggies, and canned meat). I am worried about getting enough fresh vegetables and fruits (I love eating raw food) so I think I will contact the Tucson CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and offer to make a kind of recipe blog for them if they give me a free subscription. I don't know if they will be up for it. But I would LOVE if they would let me. I think finding the recipes and trying them out would be a really fun way to cook- keep everything fresh and since my main ingredients are vegetables it might (hopefully) be healthier.
Has anyone heard of a CSA before? They're really cool. Basically they partner up with a farm and you buy subscriptions from the CSA. Each week you pick up a basket of fresh vegetables from the farm. You never know what you'll get til you pick it up and its just whatever was ripe that week. The one in Tucson runs $19/week for about two paper bags of vegetables. You have to buy the subscription for 3 months (a season) at a time. I don't think I could use an entire subscription by myself (seems like a lot of vegetables for two people and a dog) but it would be really fun!
So-- back to the budget idea-- I am going to take out the amount of cash I will need for the month at the beginning of the month and then lock away my debit card ;) I'll keep track of my receipts and at the end of the month go through and determine what expenses I can subtract for the next month. I won't spend any money other than what I take out (unless I'm starving, in which case I'll just try to get some guy to pay for my dinner and if THAT doesn't work then I'll allow myself another $10 to feed me, hehe jk). Hopefully it won't come down to that...
What do you think? How little can a girl and her dog live on? Keegan bets not less than $120 (I really hope to prove him wrong) :)
We're gonna go eat out-- Yay Texas Roadhouse (those rolls are so delicious...)!
Chanda C :)

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