Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I really will study...

I have a Spanish exam tomorrow.

Tonight I just haven't really felt like studying. So instead I ate dinner, chatted with my mom, looked at funny things on the internet, facebook-stalked, texted old friends, made banana bread.

About the banana bread, I have this terrible (or wonderful) habit of not being able to follow recipes. Not because I don't know how, but because I always assume I can make it better. My last few loaves of banana bread haven't turned out very good. For example, the most recent one was too dry. I think it is because I substituted things too much. Like whole wheat flour instead of white, et cetera. It actually didn't turn out too bad because I ended up making a really tasty bread pudding out of it. So I guess that was a win.

Anyway, I really want some good banana bread so I told myself that I would follow a recipe EXACTLY. And then I started the recipe and realized it wanted me to use THREE bowls (ridiculous). Ain't nobody got time for that. And then I remembered that I had been wanting to try something new (browning butter before adding it to the recipe) and then I just took a giant leap from there. Let's hope this loaf turns out well. That is what I am trying to say.

In other news, my profile is up on the site for the conference where I will be giving a workshop. I'm really excited (despite some typos/spelling errors). I hope I do well and don't embarrass myself.

I should be more focused on my Spanish exam. I want to write in Spanish, but I'm not sure how to add the symbols so I don't know how much it would help me practice.

How do you focus when you don't want to? How late do you normally stay up? Lately if it gets past 10:00, I'm out for the count. I don't know why but I turn into a pumpkin so quick. I sleep until at least 6:30, so I should be getting enough rest. I don't know what is going on.

Thanks for reading!

Chanda C.


  1. Hola Chanda!

    I hope your Spanish exam went well! I'm sure you did great ( :

    & I also hope the banana bread came out delicioso! (I think that's how delicious is spelled in Spanish. I don't write in Spanish much.)

    You know, the only place I can study at is the library! Since Freshman year I would have to go to the library (or a study room in my dorm) in order to focus on my hw. When I try doing it in my room, I get too distracted by everything around me!

    Hope all is well! ( :


  2. I always read about the importance of creating a study space. I really should. I like the idea of the library, but I find that usually I am just too lazy to walk to the school.
    The banana bread was pretty good, I'll get it better next time ;) haha.
    Thanks for commenting!

  3. Well, my spanish secret is sometimes I change my word processor language settings to Spanish-Spain (International Sort) although any Spanish setting would do. Then it auto corrects the accents, tildes, and other Spanish symbols. And you know except for that one time I was travelling without my laptop, yo SIEMPRE estoy aqui para ayudarte con tu tarea -Kalee
