Friday, October 5, 2012

2012 has been a doozy of a year

I've been busy. Really busy. Just a little update:

1) I got another job. That makes three. But one is very sporadic, so it practically doesn't count. But when I feel like making people feel sorry for me then I can say I work for three different places.

2) I am over halfway done with my undergraduate career.

3) I am selling my car. Because I can't afford insurance and I don't like driving. And Roland drives me most places because he is so nice.

4) I went to Disneyland with my roommates Sarah and Beth. Beth's family also went but we didn't spend too much time with them. Not because we were being snobby, but because we just didn't. They were very nice.

5) Next semester I will be finished with my ACE minor (halelujah). I really love it. But also, it stresses me out.

6) I'm still debating whether or not to get a Spanish minor. It is four more classes, reasonable. But I am just so bad at Spanish....

7) I live in my new house. 8 bed/7bath. It is so lovely. Luna has a dog door, which she sometimes uses to go outside and bark all night and sometimes doesn't use to go outside and relieve herself. For some reason she has an affinity to bathroom rugs. She can't help but do unholy things to them when she is in the same room for even a minute.

8) I have an honors awards assembly thing this week.. I'll get my honors cords. Which I think are used to hang yourself with after graduation when you realize you still have no idea what you want to do with your life.

9) I still have no idea what I want to do with my life.

10) I started volunteering with a program called Mentors for Moms. Now I won't have a car, so I'm not sure what will happen.

11) I still really like riding the city bus. I see this one guy a lot, he always has a weed whacker. I don't know why. But those kinds of mysteries are what keep me an avid city-bus passenger!

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