Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Knot Wedding Story

I am not sure if the Knot will be deleting our website, so to preserve this lovely story I am saving it here. (

Our Story
Chanda and Erik are totally getting married! How did this happen?
It began on July 27th, 2013. Erik's cousin and roommate, Alec, invited him to see "Now You See Me" in the cheap seats. Erik couldn't say "no" when he found out who would else would be going. Chanda, a long-time friend of Alec's, had made plans with her best friend, Sarah, to also attend the movie.
Erik had seen Chanda around the University of Arizona campus and always encouraged his cousin to invite her over. He found her to be the most beautiful girl and really would've given anything to have an excuse to talk to her. Despite the fact that Erik had been well-aware of Chanda since the first time he saw her October of 2012 at a dance, she had no idea who "Alec's cousin" was.
Chanda and Erik hit it off. After the movie, they all went over (for the first of what would become dozens of times) to the IHOP on Oracle road. Chanda talked about how she would be moving. Erik offered to help. They exchanged numbers and shook hands goodnight. It was a pleasure to meet.
The next couple days, Erik made any excuse to go see Chanda. Chanda also came over to Erik and Alec's apartment to watch a movie. Erik and Chanda stayed up until the sunrise talking, amazed at how well they got along and how strong their friendship could be after only knowing one another for days.
Weeks passed and Erik and Chanda were becoming the best of friends. A relationship was out of the question. Erik was in the process of submitting his application to become a two-year LDS missionary in another country and Chanda was on the brink of graduating college and moving wherever a job took her. Still, they dated carelessly. They went to concerts. They went to shows. They even went to Disneyland. They weren't going to kiss, though, because that would make it more than friends. They weren't ready for such complication in their lives.
But the Disney magic did it again. The day after returning from a Disney trip, they reminisced at Erik's apartment about what had been the best experience of their entire lives. They had never felt happier. They were best friends but it was more-than-a-best-friend happiness. Sitting and listening to music, their smiles met for the first time on November 6th, 2013.
Months went by and Chanda and Erik didn't want to be apart any waking moment. Their amazing dates and friendship continued, and even though they swore not to add complication right before major life events, they felt more drawn to the idea of a relationship, even though they'd shortly have to go their separate ways. On January 6th, 2014, Erik and Chanda were playing basketball in the U of A recreation center. That night, if there had been any previous doubt, Erik decided he wanted Chanda as his girlfriend. He knew she was unconvinced, so maybe a miracle would sway her. When they finished playing, he made a deal with her that if he made half and full-court basketball shots, she would have to "do what he asked." After seeing Erik lose at shooting games, she was sure he wouldn't make lucky shots. His confidence was less than he expressed, mostly just hoping for points for trying. Erik went on to drain a half-court shot, and then a full-court shot, on first try in what could only be described as a miracle of parting-of-the-Red-Sea proportions. That night, Erik, all ready with his list of reasons, told Chanda they should be official. She agreed.
They fell in love. It only took them two more months to admit it to one another. On March 6th, 2014, on top of A-Mountain, Erik and Chanda said "I love you" with the backdrop of downtown Tucson lights. There was no doubt about what they had, however that same month Erik opened his mission call to the Chile Santiago North Mission -- to be leaving August 13th, 2014, and later Chanda accepted a position at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
The relationship grew, despite their looming separation. They were happier than ever. They went back to Disneyland. They went to San Diego, California various weekends. They passed breaks, holidays, and birthdays together for the cherished months of Spring 2014. "My Entire Life" by City Lights became their song.
Chanda's job at Disney World required her to be in Florida an entire two months before Erik left on his mission. Just as the Tucson heat picked up and monsoon season neared, Chanda and Erik could feel the weight and loneliness of their eminent goodbye. Going against previous considerations, they decided not to break up. They were too happy together to end it. The chances of them being together again in two years, no matter how slim, were worth it. Erik drove Chanda to Florida and they experienced the worst and saddest night of their lives as they said goodbye at the Orlando Airport on June 8th, 2014.
Long distance wasn't so bad. Chanda and Erik filled the hole left in their hearts with constant phone conversations and Skype dates. They worked and continued with their lives, content with the memories they created and hopeful they'd create more in real life again someday. They promised to grow individually and together. "Becoming yours."
Erik left on his mission in August 2014 and wrote a letter to Chanda on his way to Chile. For the next two years, Chanda and Erik wrote a letter to each other every single day to tell about the daily events and feelings. Letters meant everything. Even when Chanda broke her back and later left on her own Spanish-speaking mission, and even when Erik faced poor mail service on a special assignment on an island in the Pacific Ocean, they wrote everyday without fail. (These over-1400 letters are now stored in a notebook at Chanda's apartment.) Letters, cards, and packages allowed them to know each other better and become closer and more committed during the two years. They were happy with their relationship, although missing each other constantly and looking forward to seeing each other.
On August 2nd, 2016, Erik returned from Chile and Chanda was at the airport. They picked up better than they left off. All the happiness, smiles, and laughter were greater than ever. They had no doubt that it had been worth it. Being together through it all is what it's all about.
On the morning of September 5th, 2016, with the permission of her parents, I proposed to Chanda on a beach in Coronado Island in San Diego, California. (We dubbed it Chanda+Erik beach.) I waited for the right moment, which came as we stood there with the ocean breeze around us, looking at each other -- just completely happy. I read her the last of 720 letters which I had written her. We sang to each other. I got down on one knee, she said yes, and my secretly placed video camera caught the whole thing.
We are overwhelmingly grateful for all the love and support we have had from our families and friends. We know what we are doing is right. We have chosen each other and will continue to do so. 
I love Chanda with all that I am.
We will be getting married for time and all eternity on January 6th, 2017.

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