Thursday, August 9, 2018


Hello to all!

I forgot that I had a blog for awhile and then remembered this morning and decided to look it up. After a bit I was able not only to find it, but also log in! Yay for all-knowing technology!


This is a good place to keep track of important life things because the internet is forever. Although now that I say that I can't find the link to our wedding website.

BECAUSE OH YEAH I AM MARRIED. To Erik, of course. No surprise there. Geez, so much has happened.

Okay so.. Erik got home, it was the best day of my life. It was raining at the airport. We hugged, we cried, we ate Italian food. He kissed me the second we were alone, which surprised me. We picked up like we had never spent any time apart. He is everything.

He proposed in San Diego about a month after he got home (Labor day weekend). We got married the following January. It has been pure marital bliss ever since. The wedding was beautiful. Married in the Gilbert temple, dinner that night at Darla and Joe's house in Queen Creek. The next day we had a reception in the Snowflake Social Hall. It was gorgeous. The next week we had an open house in a church in Tucson. I'm so in love with him.

I worked at BASIS Oro Valley Primary as a Teaching Fellow for a year. Part of my assignment was teaching Music to K-4 for about 4 months of the year while the real teacher was out on maternity leave. WHAT A CHALLENGE. It was fun. It was exhausting. I hated it.

Rough year, in professional terms. The climate at the school was tense, we were treated like children, we had no days we could take off without penalty. I was sick a lot. I did have some great coworkers, though. But basically I cried every week and wondered if maybe something was wrong with me because I hated working.

Then, miracle of miracles, I got a job at the University of Arizona. I worked in the Admissions Processing Unit from July 2017-August 2018. What a breath of fresh air. My coworkers were great, my bosses were super understanding and approachable, the job was rewarding and not too stressful. I came home with enough energy to cook and read and hang out. This entire past year has been a time of refresh and healing. Erik and I were able to walk to and from work/school every day together. It was awesome. I cannot say enough about how grateful I am for that job.

Just recently I accepted a new position at the UofA. Crazy how I got there. Basically, Erik and I had decided that although financially my job made things tight, I would stick with it because it was so much better for me emotionally. But then one day I was stressed about finances (we had tires stolen off of our car and then our car AC broke) so I logged on to the UACareers website and saw an advising position open. I have wanted to become an advisor for quite some time so I applied. I was called in for an interview, then a second interview. The second interview was in front of a large(ish) panel and included me giving a 15 minute presentation. The afternoon after the presentation I got a call from someone in the Career Center for the same college. He had seen my presentation and liked it and wanted me to apply to a position in his department. I did and then I was offered it. I'm really excited. It seems like it will be a really fun position that will be much more challenging and super different from my admissions one. I'm looking forward to the growth this will give me. I will be (starting on Monday) the Career Development Coordinator for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (aka the College of Herbology and Muggle Studies ;) ).

I had some crazy weird medical things. Mysterious medical things. They come and go but are gone currently. I got on a super low-dose anti-anxiety medication which has helped me so much to be myself.

Luna is doing well. She is very itchy all the time, even though we have tried everything under the sun to help her not be.

We moved apartments last month. The place we were in was nice but the management was basically the worst. So we are now renting from some friends/former church-mates. They have a little one-bedroom condo just down the street from our old place. It is great. The kitchen is lovely. It has a dishwasher. And now we have a washer and dryer. YAY! We had been going to the in-laws to do laundry every week. They didn't appreciate it, we didn't love it (but we are grateful). This is a much better set up. Erik did a great job setting the house up, too. It is very cozy.

So many things have happened, I ought to be better about posting them. I'll try in the future. For now, this is a concise, general update on our life. :)


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