Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lovely summer in Tucson, AZ

Well, the first month of summer is about over!

I have been working at the SALT Center on campus about 20 hours/week. I am supposed to be working with Mad Science too, but I haven't heard from my boss in a really long time. That is beginning to concern me.

I took my car in to get an oil change and was informed that I had several repairs needing to be done. The estimated cost of said repairs add up to over $2000. Ugh. That is as much as I paid for the car when I bought it so I got to thinking and decided that I may just buy a new car. But actually a newer car. One that I'll have to make payments on like an adult. And take good care of. One that is younger than me. And that has less than 125,000 miles on it. It's a pretty scary thought, but I'm really considering it. I'll need a car forever, right? And if we add up all of the money I have spent on cars in the past two years then I will get pretty depressed because it has been far too much and I have far too little to show for it.

Considering I only have one job right now (that I am anxiously engaged in, anyway) I decided that to buy a car I need to find a second (third?) source of income. So I applied for a third (second?) job. I applied at a movie theater here, and also at Blockbuster. I figure I can close up SALT everyday and then close up a movie theater/Blockbuster and get some extra hours in. And then next semester I can maybe keep the second/third job and quit Mad Science. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job with Mad Science, but if I am going to be making car payments, I'm going to need a solid (and guaranteed) source of income. And unfortunately, Mad Science doesn't provide that. But we'll see if I even get a call back for either of the applied-for jobs. Who knows?

I went to Lakeside for my cousin Evan's graduation from Blue Ridge! I got to see a lot of my family AND my dad made me pancakes and I got tacos from Los Amigos and I got breadsticks from Pizza Factory. Mmm. It was a good trip. I rode with my Aunt Tammy and her four kids (including the brand new baby Elden). No one threw up (a miracle!) and we only had to stop twice each way for the baby. Success!

Yesterday, Roland and I went to his mom and stepdad's house to pick up a package. While we were there they fed us some delicious hamburgers and we played table tennis (on their kitchen table). I really enjoy spending time with his family. They're a crack up. His mom has a lot of Mickey Mouse objects. Seriously, a lot. And what I like most about her stuff is that it is very thorough. Its not like she has hundreds of keychains, she just has Mickey stuff. I'll name some of the neater pieces of her collection (in my opinion):
1. Thomas Kinkade Disney 50th Anniversary painting
2. Mickey in the grass (a cut out of Mickey's head in her grass)
3. Mickey head faucet turner on the hose thing
4. 100+ watches (all Mickey)
5. Customized STYX Mickey ears
6. Disneyland knocker
7. Haunted Mansion hitchhiking ghost statues
8. Large Mickey statues
9. Mickey china, everyday Mickey dishes, Mickey silverware, Mickey cookie jar, Mickey colander , all things Mickey in her kitchen really.
10. Mickey Mouse wedding ring
You get the idea, her house is a cesspool of Mickey Mouse. And I love it. Also they have a lot of Pez dispensers and some pinball machines (only one is on display though). What's NOT to love?

Roland and I also went and saw Battleship yesterday. It was a very entertaining movie. I had a good time watching it. Sure, it was pretty ridiculous, but it was still fun to watch. I love action movies. I can hardly wait for The Amazing Spider-Man to come out.

I was released from my calling today. I am pretty pleased about that. I was having a hard time with being in charge of FHE. I'll probably get called back to it because I still have so much to learn. But for now, I'm free of that responsibility (we disbanded group FHE for summer because our ward is so tiny). Hopefully I'll be getting another calling soon :)

I may be going to Mesa this week to go see Bryce Addison and go to the chiropractor (I've been getting terrible migraine headaches that I think are because my back is a little messed up, it is really tight and I can't seem to loosen it) and go to the credit union and chat with them about how to improve my credit so I can get a car in three or four months. That'll be nice if it happens, I'm a little afraid of driving my car all the way there and also I don't really want to spend the money in gas, but it will probably be worth it in the end. Roland and I are volunteering at the Community Food Bank on Wednesday, I am looking forward to that.

Those are the most recent occurrences in my life. I'll keep you updated.

Chanda C.

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