Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day Three

8 ways to win my heart: In the romantic and also the friendly way.

1. Make me laugh. That's like the most generic "how to win a girl over" tip ever. But seriously, it's important.

2. Look like Tom Welling.... This applies only to men.

3. Don't be needy. If you're too emotional or I have to entertain you... It'll be harder to be friends.

4. Do something to make memories/inside jokes. That way the next time we see each other we can be like "Remember that one time?" and then laugh about it together. That's good.

5. Bare your soul to me. Not only does this show that you trust me, it also makes me like you more probably.

6. Always be courteous to everyone else. If you yell at a waiter or something... It makes me feel bad for the waiter and also awkward.

7. Make food. Like, with me.. Or whatever. Because I really enjoy making food. And also, I think it's fun. And delicious.

8. Plan things and invite me to them. I like not having to plan things.

Chanda C.


  1. All of those things apply to me (particularly the Tom Welling thing...). Chanda, are you secretly in love with me?

  2. Well Zac, you will be here for another two weeks..... Too far?

    And yes, I am in love with you.
