Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I've been so busy. But not really. I just haven't felt like updating my blog.

My month has been good.
Filled with fun times with friends and homework.
I'm rocking school still. Mostly. Not as much as I was earlier, but still holding on to my grades pretty solidly.
House hunting. We found somewhere. Changed our minds. Now we're probably going to stay in the complex that Amy and Kirstin live in now. Maybe get a duplex up front. That would be fun.
I saw my family.
They're doing well.
Went shooting and to Guayo's with my dad.
Just stayed at home with my mom.
I've received two letters from Hermana Jones. I love her. She makes me so happy. Her weekly emails cheer up my life. She is doing well. She makes me laugh SO hard! Oh my goodness. I want to be like her when I grow up.
Oh yeah.
JENKIN GOT HIS MISSION CALL! He is going to the Guatemala Retalhuleu mission (or something like that). He'll be speaking Spanish. He is so excited. So is his family.
That was an awkward situation. I drove him to meet his family so he could open his call. So it was this tender little Williams family gathering.....and me. But they are super nice and were very welcoming (his dad called me Jenkin's sugarmama because I have a car..... that was right after Jenkin reassured me that it wasn't awkward because I was there as his friend). His mom is from Guatemala- she seemed pretty stoked. He reports August 10th (Aaron's birthday). He is so excited. He'll be a fantastic missionary.
I have LunaBug with me this week. <3 She's so wonderful.
I did Relay for Life last weekend. With Jenkin. And Luna. It was fun. We walked for 5 hours straight. Wooh.
I have started writing a brief summary of my day and thoughts in a journal. I'm not to the point where I would call it a habit, but I'm getting better. I figure that is a good thing.
Today I took a mental health day. It was nice.
I'm going to play volleyball later tonight. I do that now. On Wednesdays. I wish I were better at volleyball. I just make a fool out of myself continually. But it is fun and I've met some cool people doing it.
I also play Ultimate Frisbee on Mondays after FHE. Also a sport I'm terrible at. But I meet cool people and get some exercise. And honestly I'm becoming better.
The AC in my apartment is turned on. That's a relief. I had resorted to sleeping in underwear and a tshirt the nights were getting so hot. That may be TMI for my blog. I'm not going to erase it though. I wear pjs now that the AC is on. Never fear.
I like watermelon a lot. But eating watermelon that isn't sweet is such a disappointing feeling. And watermelon is very deceiving. It always looks great. But doesn't always taste great. Unlike bananas, you can tell how bananas are going to taste just by looking at them. Not watermelon though... :(
Luna cuddles me at night and anytime I'm on my bed or the floor. I love it. She's so tender.
I'm probably going to room with Chloe. That is Bert's younger sister. I don't think that it will be awkward, but the possibility has entered my mind.
I have an Italian test tomorrow that I should study for.... However, I just don't feel like it. Haha.

Chanda C. :)

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