Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Habit Broken

So it has been a long time since I last posted.

I became really close with several people in my YSA branch in Avondale.
Went on a few dates with different people.
Hung out almost every night with a group.
Jason visited me.
Then I came back to Tucson.
My classes are going well-- but this is the first real week.
I'm terrified that I won't be able to handle everything.
But I'm having faith that I can.

Also, I got a calling in my ward in Tucson!!
I am Ward FHE Coordinator.
I'm super excited.
Sarah and I have the same calling. :)
I don't know who my cochair is yet.
I will hopefully find out this week.
Last night was my first night in charge.

No one showed up to open the building til 7:05.
We just had a game night and it was really fun.
I made cookie bars.
Lydia (relief society president) brought cookies.
People said they enjoyed themselves.

I'm looking for more ideas for FHE.
I want to do creative things that people will remember.
Derrick suggested Rock Band Concert. :)
I'm looking into that.
This will be easier once I have a cochair to bounce ideas off of.

I will be able to remember names and faces and handle schoolwork and still be able to put the time necessary into my calling.
Fantastic blessings.

I'm looking for a new car to purchase.
I don't want to get screwed over again.
Enough car problems for me. :)

Friendships have changed a lot over break.

I'm getting a lot closer to Bethany, Lyndsay, Victoria, and Jenkin.
I feel like I'm getting further away from everyone else though.
Which is strange.
Because I really like all of them.
But I am hoping it is just the beginning of the semester and everyone is busy and stressed.
Hopefully it will calm down.
I also wish Derrick was still here.

My friends from Avondale might come up to visit me in February :)

I have now seen Inception.
Good movie.
But not the mind bending alternate reality that I was expecting.

Now I have to start looking for housing for next year.
Bethany, Lyndsay, and I are talking about getting a house together.
That would be really fun.
But I want to live with my dog and Bethany doesn't want a dog..
So that puts me in a bit of a quandary.

My schedule this semester is hard.
Very busy.
I'm praying that I will learn to be a better student through it.
I'm a terrible student.
This semester will teach me a lot.
I'm loving Italian.
I hope I continue loving it.

Last night I was stressing about school and social stuff and I started doing Italian homework.
Haha, my professore probably thinks I'm a nerd.
But it totally calmed me down.
Maybe because I was doing something productive.
I hope I keep enjoying it.
That would help my grade considerably.

Anyway, I am gonna go be social.

Chanda C.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite FHE's have been:

    A no-talent competition (silly talents, like playing the recorder or telling bad jokes)

    Service projects of any kind

    Baking contest (everyone brought goodies and then a panel of judges picked the best one and we got to eat them all)

    Slip and slide

    Movie/game nights at people's houses

    One time we just did puzzles. That was pretty sweet.

    I'm excited for you :)
