Monday, November 15, 2010

Birthday!!!!! :)

Oh my.
So much has happened.
I'll try to go sequentially (as per usual), but I won't have many pictures because I don't have a camera, so I have to rely on other people taking pictures/ the camera on my phone and it just doesn't always pan out. Hopefully I'll get more pictures and just edit this post later (cough, Derrick, cough.).

Monday nothing very significant happened. As I was walking into a building on campus someone in a car drove by and yelled my name and waved very enthusiastically at me. That made me feel good. I wish I knew who it was. But thanks to whoever you were. :) I hung out at Sarah's house Monday night until FHE. For FHE we watched The Little Rascals. Oh that movie, so special...
Tuesday was just more hanging out with Sarah at her place. Bert came over for awhile too. They are my favorites. I like them.
On Wednesday Amy hosted Asian night. Haha, Derrick made sweet and sour- it was SOOOOO good. We also watched How to Train Your Dragon. I had so much fun. Unfortunately I didn't get a whole group photo (there were a lot of us. Lyndsay, Sarah, Derrick, Bert, Kirstin, Amy, Jenkin, Shelly, and Brian). But I did get some pretty good ones of the people who stayed past midnight (ridiculous, I know.).
In honor of Asian night, Bert being Chinese. He's so funny.

He and I matched. Again. Accidentally. Funny conversation:
Bert: Chanda, I want you to know, if we ever get attacked by dragons, you shouldn't worry. We'll probably both die.
Chanda: Unbelievable Bert.
Bert: The breathe freaking fire Chanda.

The boys. Derrick, Bert, and Jenkin. I love this picture.

And some of the group! I love this pic too.
Derrick, Sarah, Bert, Amy, and Jenkin.

It was so fun. And the food was seriously delicious. Kudos to Derrick.

Thursday: Derrick, Bert, and I went to Five Guys for my first time. So delicious. I liked it. A lot.
Derrick, Chanda, and Bert.

Afterwards I went over to Sarah's and she and I went to Walmart to get me.... A BIKE! I love my bike. Her name is Stella. :) I had to return my rental car (sad day) and I gave up Jane (another sad day), so I bought a bike to get around on. Its been fun so far, although my thighs would protest.

I named her Stella so if she ever gets stolen I can have a ridiculously dramatic reaction and be seen as simply quoting A Streetcar Named Desire.
Once Sarah and I picked out my bike we went to my apartment where my mom, Wyndie, and Tammy were waiting with Luna!! I missed them. I was so happy I got to see my little doggy. My mom cut her hair- she looks soooo cute! We went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner/lunch. It was soooo good (isn't it always?). Of course my family decided to tell our waitress that it was my birthday.. So they sang to me. And decorated my plate (cool huh?):
Best cheesecake of my life. Probably.

I have this stupid reaction of making an idiotic face when someone takes a picture of me...

It was super tasty and I loved getting to see my mom and aunts and uncle and Sarah and eat delicious food and drink lemonade with sugar all around the top. Good times. Wyndie drove Stella to Sarah's for me and, after goodbyes to Wyndie, Luna, and my mom, I spent the rest of the day with Sarah. At around 6:30 I picked up Bert and we went to Amy's to pick up Jenkin and go to my party that Bethany hosted. It was really fun, I feel like it was actually a super lame party but I enjoyed myself so that is good.
Reid brought pie. Bethany and Lyndsay made my cake. Bert brought 'perfect' brownies.
I love my friends. Have I mentioned that?

Victoria, Bert, Bethany, and Reid.

Reid, Derrick, Lyndsay, Bethany, and Jenkin!

For the party we ate a lot. And went to a park by Bethany's house and played sardines and hide and go seek. Then we played Psychiatrist. It was fun. Katie showed up a little later, but I didn't get any pictures of her..
On Friday Lyndsay and I returned my rental car (sad, sad moment in my life) and got Jane's license plate. It was so funny, we got super lost. But it all worked out! We also went to Toys R Us (that is where Lyndsay works) and messed around for awhile there. Then we went to dollar lunch which was fabulous but really under-attended. I then went to Sarah's house (I feel like I spend a lot of time there... haha.) and we went on a BIKE RIDE!!! I was so excited!! I love riding my bike. :) :) :)
This is how excited I was.. ;)

We rode to Target and back. It was long. Haha, and riding on the road with cars and laws is so scary! I was freaked out. I bought a light for my bike and gloves (it is getting super chilly here). After our little trip I went on a high speed hayride with U5 ward (mainly Victoria, Bethany, and Lyndsay). Lyndsay and Bethany made me a blanket for my birthday! Its WONDERFUL! My three favorite colors and super soft and warm. I love it. They're wonderful. I have the best friends ever. The hayride was crazy. When I think hay ride I think of little caroling 5mph rides through neighborhoods. Not this one. We went like 10 miles out of town onto a mountain into the desert. Fast. It was really fun. Freezing, for sure, but really fun. Bethany then drove me home and stayed until midnight so we could celebrate my birthday (isn't she so tender?). At midnight we had little cherry tart things:
It was so precious.

Then she went home and I went to sleep.
I slept in on Saturday which was fantastic. Then I got up and made lunch for my family. They came into town for my birthday. I hadn't seen them in AGES. It was great. We went to campus and I gave them the tour of my life. They met Bert. So awkward. (He was at work. At the UA Bookstore. My dad bought a pack of gum so he could say hi...) They met Sarah, Gabe, Kendi, Kathleen, Bethany.. I love that when I talk about my friends my family now knows who I am talking about. And vice versa.
My dad took us to dinner at Five Guys. Again. I know, twice in one week- ridiculous. But it was SOOOO good. They announced my birthday over the intercom thingy. That was, once again, embarrassing. Then we went to Salt at the dollar theater. I fell asleep on Taryn's shoulder. Haha, but its a great movie. Very action packed and not necessarily predictable. Then Taryn and I dropped off Aaron, Mel, and my Dad and ate microcake and then went to 23 at the pink apartments and made masks. I also ordered my ukulele!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait :) :) :) :) :)
Microcake. Horrible picture. But thats ok!

A mask that Nathan made. Isn't Sarah a lovely model?
On Sunday I went to Stake Conference with my family (it is so funny how different it is from family wards. Stake conference was like, empty here.. Haha). My family got to meet Derrick, Victoria, Lyndsay, Amy, other various people... It was great. Then they left and I went and did laundry and homework at Tammy's. I love spending time there. Her kids are so cute. When I walked in all of them shouted my name and the littlest came and gave me a hug. It was so so tender. And I really appreciate that they let me do laundry at their place, it saves me quite a bit. Tammy made homemade granola and yogurt and let me have some. It was delish. Kudos to her. That night Bethany came over and we ate dinner together (so tasty, chicken tacos...). Then we hung out for a little bit and when she left she dropped me off at Bert's. Oh! He got me a Ukulele book! I'm so excited. I'm going to learn how to play and it is going to be wonderful. I can't wait. He and I talked for a bit, he changed some stuff on my computer (I like it better now). He played guitar. Made me feel better about my life. It was good. I kind of have a crush on him.
Then I went over to Sarah's and she and I wrote to Samuel (Bert's best friend, Sarah's ... friend on a mission). Bert's roommate, Chris, was kind enough to drive me home and then I chatted with Wade for a bit. (Geez I miss him a lot.) and then I went to sleep.
Today nothing of significance happened. Classes were good. I put another ad on craigslist for my apartment.
I need to find a solution for it. Oh, I haven't explained. Lucia is moving out. I don't have anyone to move in. Please pray. Hard. And a lot. I need it. A lot. :)
I'm also just on the lookout for a car to buy. Preferably one that isn't a 94 Honda Accord. Haha.

Well, thats my life in a nutshell. I've had a fabulous week overall.
I can't wait to get my uke on Thursday. Also on Thursday night:
HARRY POTTER COMES OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even flippin wait. Oh my heck. L:JRALKSJF:LKSDJFLKSJDFLKjLK.
I'm just so excited. It is hard to express my excitement. :) :) :) : :) :):): )
I don't know how Bert, Sarah, and I are going to get back from the midnight show. But we are going. And we are dressing up. And I can't wait.

Two morons were sitting on a fence. One fell off, why didnt the other?
ps. because he was a little moron. (more-on.) hahahaha. Joke provided by Brother Dalton. He's hilarious.

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